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You are visiting the area POSTCARDS, continent EUROPE, country FRANCE and year 1970-1980

There is 1 item in this gallery
Exposured 15/03/2009
Item 1 from a total of 1


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     150 x 104 mm

     Healing Woman milk. Treatment conjunctivite. Le regard enfante. The supreme gift. Raphael Gaillarde (Gamma). Photomania, Paris


     Since ancient times the milk of women was considered a cure for many diseases in adults also. Pliny the Elder recommended it for eye diseases and fatigue in the elderly, and in the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert it appears as a possible remedy in marasmus and tuberculosis.
Woman's milk has been used traditionally in many cultures as a folk remedy to treat and prevent local infections such as conjunctivitis and otitis and cord cures. Research scientífic of its effectiveness, give mixed results. It is known that "in vitro" sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus to colostrum is about 50% and mature milk 0%, while for coliform sensitivities are 57 and 28% respectively.
Photographer Raphael Gaillarde (agency Gamma) captures the application of drops of milk in the eye of an old man, possibly somewhere in America.



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