Postal | 1973
4 results
Photography | 1960-1970
Maternidad. Fotografía anónima, África 1960-1970 (3)
Photography | 1970-1980
Maternidad. Fotografía anónima, África 1970-1980
Photography | 1930-1940
Madre lactante. Fotografía anónima, Africa 1930-1940
Photography | 1950-1960
Maternidad. Fotografía anónima, África 1950-1960
Photography | 2025
Madre lactante. Fotografía, República del Congo 2025
Photography | 1894
Madre lactante. Fotografía anónima Argelia 1894
Sculpture | 2010
Madre y bebé Himba. Escultura, Namibia-Angola 2010
Photography | 1988
Adan y Eva, F. Bruly. Fotografía, Costa de Marfil 1988
Postal | 1930-1940
Breastfeeding mother. Postcard. Morocco 1930-1940
Postal | 1949
Breastfeeding mother. Postcard. Morocco 1949
Photography | 1938
Breastfeeding mother. Anonymous photograph. Africa 1938
Photography | 1950-1960
Madre lactante. Fotografía anónima, África 1950-1960
Photography | 1940-1950
Breastfeeding mother. Anonymous photograph. Africa 1940-1950
Photography | 1960-1970
Madre lactante. Fotografía anónima, África 1960-1970
Photography | 1970-1980
Breastfeeding mother. Photograph Peter Obe. Nigeria 1969
Photography | 1950-1960
Breastfeeding mother. Anonymous photograph. French Congo 1950-1960
Photography | 1950-1960
Maternity. Anonymous photograph. Africa 1950-1960s
Photography | 1960-1970
Breastfeeding mother. Anonymous photograph. Africa 1960-1970
Photography | 1970-1980
Breastfeeding mother. Turkana people, Anonymous photograph. Kenya 1970-1980
Postal | 1920-1930
Nursing mother. Postcard Senegal 1920-1930
Postal | 1910
Nursing mother. Postcard Tunisia 1910
Photography | 1950-1960
Breastfeeding mother. Anonymous photograph. Africa 1950-1960s
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