Charity. Glazed terracotta, Louvre. Photograph, France 2009
Fotografía tomada en 2009 por Alain Geoffroy..
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Terracota vidriada del siglo XVI. Museo del Louvre, Paris.
The allegory of Charity in the form of a woman breastfeeding or caring for several children is very common in art, the works sometimes being referred to as "Alma Parens" (Latin for "nurturing mother" or "protective mother").
Charity is a Christian virtue, opposed to hatred and animosity. It is one of the three theological virtues along with Faith and Hope. Defined in the words of Christ: "You shall love ... your neighbour as yourself" (Matt 19:19 and 22:39, Mark 12:31 and Luke 10:27), St. Paul equates it with Love and defines it as superior in excellence to the other two virtues (1 Cor 13:13).
Terracota vidriada del siglo XVI. Museo del Louvre, Paris.
The allegory of Charity in the form of a woman breastfeeding or caring for several children is very common in art, the works sometimes being referred to as "Alma Parens" (Latin for "nurturing mother" or "protective mother").
Charity is a Christian virtue, opposed to hatred and animosity. It is one of the three theological virtues along with Faith and Hope. Defined in the words of Christ: "You shall love ... your neighbour as yourself" (Matt 19:19 and 22:39, Mark 12:31 and Luke 10:27), St. Paul equates it with Love and defines it as superior in excellence to the other two virtues (1 Cor 13:13).