Huida a Egipto, Escuela Altoperuana. Museo nacional BA. Fotografía, Cuba 2024
Fotografía tomada por José María Paricio Talayero durante su visita a La Habana con motivo de un Simposio de Lactancia dentro del XXIX Congreso Cubano de Pediatría y una invitación de La Liga de la Leche de Cuba para dar una conferencia.
Dimensions: 2266 x 1788 píxeles
Descanso en la Huida a Egipto, óleo sobre tela de 105 x 83 cm. Escuela Altoperuana. Siglo XVII-XVIII, Alto Perú (Bolivia).
Se conserva en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, edificio Arte Universal, en La Habana.
La Flight to Egypt. The break in the flight to Egypt. In this motif, often depicted in Christian painting, Mary flees from the slaughter of the first-born ordered by Herod, the ruler of Judea, and takes the opportunity to breastfeed, either during a pause on the road or on the donkey. According to the Gospel of Saint Matthew (Matthew 2:13), an angel appeared to Saint Joseph ordering him to flee with his wife and son to Egypt, as Herod, King of Judea, having learned of the birth of Jesus from the Magi and fearing that he would be dethroned by him, was looking for him in order to kill him.
Descanso en la Huida a Egipto, óleo sobre tela de 105 x 83 cm. Escuela Altoperuana. Siglo XVII-XVIII, Alto Perú (Bolivia).
Se conserva en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, edificio Arte Universal, en La Habana.
La Flight to Egypt. The break in the flight to Egypt. In this motif, often depicted in Christian painting, Mary flees from the slaughter of the first-born ordered by Herod, the ruler of Judea, and takes the opportunity to breastfeed, either during a pause on the road or on the donkey. According to the Gospel of Saint Matthew (Matthew 2:13), an angel appeared to Saint Joseph ordering him to flee with his wife and son to Egypt, as Herod, King of Judea, having learned of the birth of Jesus from the Magi and fearing that he would be dethroned by him, was looking for him in order to kill him.