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Flight into Egypt, Giotto. Christmas. Stamp (block), Cameroon 1981

Stamp. Christmas, Block Michel B19.

Dimensions: 113 x 190 mm


Giotto di Bondone (Vespignano 1276 - Florence 1337), Italian painter, architect and sculptor. Possibly a disciple of Cimabue, he is considered the creator of modern painting: anticipating the Renaissance, he broke with the two-dimensionality of the Gothic and Byzantine styles and introduced nature, realism and volume into his compositions.
The Flight to Egypt is a fresco from 1302-1305 in the Scrovegni chapel in Padua.

La Flight to Egypt. The break in the flight to Egypt. In this motif, often depicted in Christian painting, Mary flees from the slaughter of the first-born ordered by Herod, the ruler of Judea, and takes the opportunity to breastfeed, either during a pause on the road or on the donkey. According to the Gospel of Saint Matthew (Matthew 2:13), an angel appeared to Saint Joseph ordering him to flee with his wife and son to Egypt, as Herod, King of Judea, having learned of the birth of Jesus from the Magi and fearing that he would be dethroned by him, was looking for him in order to kill him.


Giotto di Bondone (Vespignano 1276 - Florence 1337), Italian painter, architect and sculptor. Possibly a disciple of Cimabue, he is considered the creator of modern painting: anticipating the Renaissance, he broke with the two-dimensionality of the Gothic and Byzantine styles and introduced nature, realism and volume into his compositions.
The Flight to Egypt is a fresco from 1302-1305 in the Scrovegni chapel in Padua.

La Flight to Egypt. The break in the flight to Egypt. In this motif, often depicted in Christian painting, Mary flees from the slaughter of the first-born ordered by Herod, the ruler of Judea, and takes the opportunity to breastfeed, either during a pause on the road or on the donkey. According to the Gospel of Saint Matthew (Matthew 2:13), an angel appeared to Saint Joseph ordering him to flee with his wife and son to Egypt, as Herod, King of Judea, having learned of the birth of Jesus from the Magi and fearing that he would be dethroned by him, was looking for him in order to kill him.