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Maternity. Breastfeeding mother Diploma Spain 1958

Breastfeeding mother. Exemplary mother diploma. Huesca.

Dimensions: 247 x 314 mm


Exemplary Mother Diploma issued by the Dirección General de Sanidad del Ministerio de la Gobernación "In favour of Dª Mª Jesús Serrano López, deserved for her attendance to this DISPENSARIO and for her attendance to the Course of Childcare for mothers".

Precious document generously donated by Dr. Luis Santos Serrano, paediatrician at the Hospital Marina Alta in Denia (Alicante), accredited by the IHAN of WHO-UNICEF from 1999 until its closure in 2009 as a Baby Friendly Hospital.



Exemplary Mother Diploma issued by the Dirección General de Sanidad del Ministerio de la Gobernación "In favour of Dª Mª Jesús Serrano López, deserved for her attendance to this DISPENSARIO and for her attendance to the Course of Childcare for mothers".

Precious document generously donated by Dr. Luis Santos Serrano, paediatrician at the Hospital Marina Alta in Denia (Alicante), accredited by the IHAN of WHO-UNICEF from 1999 until its closure in 2009 as a Baby Friendly Hospital.