Promotion of breastfeeding. Gota de leche Bilbao Documents Spain 1946
Gota de Leche, children's clinic, Caja Ahorros Municipal, Bilbao.
Dimensions: 180 x 195 mm
Chart of an infant from Baracaldo attended by Dr. Entrecanales at the Children's Clinic of the Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Bilbao, located in Calle Colón de Larreategui in Bilbao in 1946. In the "Advice to mothers", in addition to the general imperative tone and some technical errors, we learn that breastfeeding is promoted with little conviction:
1-If you can, you must raise your child, because your milk is the best food for its health and perfect development.
2- If you don't have enough milk, call the bottle for help ....
3-If you have no milk at all, give it a good wet nurse, and if you can't, then bottle-feed it.
4- Up to the age of three months, the child should suckle or take a bottle every two hours, and then every three or four hours after that.
Exclusive breastfeeding until one year of age, daily bathing, absolute diet in case of diarrhoea, good ventilation and frequent walking, and a vaccination against malaria at three months of age are also advised. Conjunctivitis and cradle cap signify "neglect" and "uncleanliness" on the part of the mothers.
The "Gotas de leche", imported from France where they are human milk banks, are infant clinics in Spain where pasteurised cow's milk is distributed.
Chart of an infant from Baracaldo attended by Dr. Entrecanales at the Children's Clinic of the Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Bilbao, located in Calle Colón de Larreategui in Bilbao in 1946. In the "Advice to mothers", in addition to the general imperative tone and some technical errors, we learn that breastfeeding is promoted with little conviction:
1-If you can, you must raise your child, because your milk is the best food for its health and perfect development.
2- If you don't have enough milk, call the bottle for help ....
3-If you have no milk at all, give it a good wet nurse, and if you can't, then bottle-feed it.
4- Up to the age of three months, the child should suckle or take a bottle every two hours, and then every three or four hours after that.
Exclusive breastfeeding until one year of age, daily bathing, absolute diet in case of diarrhoea, good ventilation and frequent walking, and a vaccination against malaria at three months of age are also advised. Conjunctivitis and cradle cap signify "neglect" and "uncleanliness" on the part of the mothers.
The "Gotas de leche", imported from France where they are human milk banks, are infant clinics in Spain where pasteurised cow's milk is distributed.