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Promoción de la lactancia. Madre lactante OMS UNICEF GOBI Tarjeta Máxima España 1987

First day card. Breast feeding. Maggie Murray-Lee. Child Survival & development GOBI WHO UNICEF.

Dimensions: 95 x 165 mm


Commemorative series of the WHO GOBI (Growth monitoring, Oral rehydration, Breastfeeding and Immunization) programme, managed by UNICEF between 1979 and 1982, launched in 1983 as a Child Survival campaign and later expanded to GOBI-FFF: GOBI + Family planning, Food production and Female education.
Many countries issued stamps commemorating the whole programme (4 GOBI stamps) or parts of it between 1985 and 1990.
Único sello conocido de España sobre este programa. En esta postal de primer día llama la atención la fotografía de Maggie Murray-Lee, de una madre negra amamantando, como si el programa GOBI no fuese dirigido a países como España.


Commemorative series of the WHO GOBI (Growth monitoring, Oral rehydration, Breastfeeding and Immunization) programme, managed by UNICEF between 1979 and 1982, launched in 1983 as a Child Survival campaign and later expanded to GOBI-FFF: GOBI + Family planning, Food production and Female education.
Many countries issued stamps commemorating the whole programme (4 GOBI stamps) or parts of it between 1985 and 1990.
Único sello conocido de España sobre este programa. En esta postal de primer día llama la atención la fotografía de Maggie Murray-Lee, de una madre negra amamantando, como si el programa GOBI no fuese dirigido a países como España.