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Breastfeeding promotion. Breastfeeding mother WHO UNICEF Lao PDR Seal 1979

Breastfeeding. Game. Education. Vaccines. International Year of the Child. WHO UNICEF Michel 478-481.

Dimensions: 104 x 216 mm


WHO-UNICEF declared 1979 the International Year of the Child. Stamps alluding to children, not just breastfeeding stamps, were issued by philatelists in virtually every country. Laos is one of the countries in the world that has issued the most stamps on breastfeeding, which speaks of the government's interest in promoting it. Here they take advantage of the International Year of the Child to launch an idea prior to the complete gestation of the GOBI programme as such, stressing the importance of breastfeeding, the right of girls and boys to play and to schooling (they do not focus specifically on girls as in the 1980s) and on immunisation as guarantors of children's well-being and health.


WHO-UNICEF declared 1979 the International Year of the Child. Stamps alluding to children, not just breastfeeding stamps, were issued by philatelists in virtually every country. Laos is one of the countries in the world that has issued the most stamps on breastfeeding, which speaks of the government's interest in promoting it. Here they take advantage of the International Year of the Child to launch an idea prior to the complete gestation of the GOBI programme as such, stressing the importance of breastfeeding, the right of girls and boys to play and to schooling (they do not focus specifically on girls as in the 1980s) and on immunisation as guarantors of children's well-being and health.