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Virgen de leche. Beauneveu Berry Postal Francia 1910

Suckling Madonna, Madonna breast feeding, of the Milk, Lactans. Brussels Hours for the Duc de Berry, by Andre Beauneveu.

Dimensions: 142 x 92 mm


Miniature of 1415 by the sculptor and miniaturist André Beauneveu (Valenciennes, c.1330/1360 - Bourges, c.1403/1413), in the book 'The Fine Hours of Jean de France, Duke of Berry' (1340 - 1416), also called 'Very Fine Hours of Brussels', now in the Royal Library of Brussels.
This is one of several books of hours that the Duke of Berry commissioned to be made. Books of hours are breviaries for lay prayers that became fashionable among the nobility of the 14th and 15th centuries, being richly and lavishly decorated with miniatures and illuminations.


Miniature of 1415 by the sculptor and miniaturist André Beauneveu (Valenciennes, c.1330/1360 - Bourges, c.1403/1413), in the book 'The Fine Hours of Jean de France, Duke of Berry' (1340 - 1416), also called 'Very Fine Hours of Brussels', now in the Royal Library of Brussels.
This is one of several books of hours that the Duke of Berry commissioned to be made. Books of hours are breviaries for lay prayers that became fashionable among the nobility of the 14th and 15th centuries, being richly and lavishly decorated with miniatures and illuminations.