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Virgin milk. Canapost, Girona. Postcard Spain 1998

Suckling Madonna, Madonna breast feeding, of the Milk, Lactans, Canapost, Girona. Salve Ed.

Dimensions: 148 x 104 mm.


Pieza central del retablo de la Mare de Déu de la llet (Madre de Dios de la leche, Virgen de la leche), de la iglesia de Canapost en el Baix Empordà (Bajo Ampurdán) atribuido al anónimo Maestro de Canapost, del siglo XV; se conserva en el Museo Diocesano de Girona. El retablo contiene también una “Lactatio de San Bernardo.”.
Poster stamps or labels, known as Poster Stamps or Cinderella Stamps, were very fashionable in the first two decades of the 20th century, but their production declined after the First World War; the first known one dates from 1845 and they are still produced today. They are miniature posters, with the appearance of stamps (without postal value), issued by governments, organisations or individuals, for advertising, promotional or commemorative purposes.


Pieza central del retablo de la Mare de Déu de la llet (Madre de Dios de la leche, Virgen de la leche), de la iglesia de Canapost en el Baix Empordà (Bajo Ampurdán) atribuido al anónimo Maestro de Canapost, del siglo XV; se conserva en el Museo Diocesano de Girona. El retablo contiene también una “Lactatio de San Bernardo.”.
Poster stamps or labels, known as Poster Stamps or Cinderella Stamps, were very fashionable in the first two decades of the 20th century, but their production declined after the First World War; the first known one dates from 1845 and they are still produced today. They are miniature posters, with the appearance of stamps (without postal value), issued by governments, organisations or individuals, for advertising, promotional or commemorative purposes.