Virgen de leche. Rafael Navidad Sello Santa Lucía 1983
Virgen de leche: Niccolini-Cowper Madona, Rafael Sanzio. Galería Nacional Arte, Washington. Navidad Michel: 628-631 Yvert: 614-617
Dimensions: 43 X 29 mm
Raphael, Raffaello Sanzio, (Urbino, 1483 - Rome, 1520), disciple of Perugino, great Renaissance painter, contemporary and friend of Leonardo and Michelangelo.
This oil panel, 81 x 57 cm, painted in 1508, was in the Niccolini collection in Florence until 1780 when it passed to the Cowper collection. Since 1937 it has been owned by the National Gallery of Art, Washington. The mother's patience and tenderness and the child's mischievousness can be appreciated.
Raphael, Raffaello Sanzio, (Urbino, 1483 - Rome, 1520), disciple of Perugino, great Renaissance painter, contemporary and friend of Leonardo and Michelangelo.
This oil panel, 81 x 57 cm, painted in 1508, was in the Niccolini collection in Florence until 1780 when it passed to the Cowper collection. Since 1937 it has been owned by the National Gallery of Art, Washington. The mother's patience and tenderness and the child's mischievousness can be appreciated.