Virgin of milk. Rubens Christmas St. Helena Stamp 1988
Virgin of Milk: Holy Virgin and Child. Rubens. Milk Stream. Christmas, Michel 487-90.(487)
Dimensions: 29 x 43 mm
Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish painter (Siegen, 1577 - Antwerp, 1640), leading exponent of the Baroque period. This oil panel, entitled Our Lady breastfeeding the infant ChristThis is one of the rare images of the Virgin Mary in which she feeds her child by means of the jet of milk she obtains by expressing her breast. This technique is also used in other images to reward Saint Bernard for his great devotion.
Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish painter (Siegen, 1577 - Antwerp, 1640), leading exponent of the Baroque period. This oil panel, entitled Our Lady breastfeeding the infant ChristThis is one of the rare images of the Virgin Mary in which she feeds her child by means of the jet of milk she obtains by expressing her breast. This technique is also used in other images to reward Saint Bernard for his great devotion.